1. I would like to inform you that we will not be able to post any pornography and that it will be in the result of losing this forum so please be aware that this is a very oriented Community...
2. We will have the respect towards others or it will wind up being put in front of not only myself but also towards the other Officers that are in here that will be put under probation and also other disciplinary procedures...
3. We will not tolerate the factor of other guilds recruiting on my forum if you do you will be banned from the forum...
4. We will not tolerate the fact of people Spamming on the Forum and also in any of the Games that we play... We had an issue of this last night on Lord of the Rings Online... I will let you know that if you do this it is a 3 tier set to where if we have to tell you 3 times to stop Spamming you will be in the Disciplinary suit and will be decided by the Founder of this Guild to be banned permanently....
5. Another thing that I hate to have to do is the fact that if you leave in the Game or on this Forum you will also be banned because we do not want anybody in this place to be threatened and I will personally be doing that because we don't want anybody to be attacked...
6. Have all the respect to all the members including all the Officers... We are a family in this Guild and I would personally not want to hear the fact that someone bad mouths somebody and get's banned for it... Let's keep it fun as we have in the past couple weeks that we've been a Guild and have fun as we all like to do...
7. I would like to add the fact that when we get new members on the games and also on the Forum that we welcome them into the Guild and make them feel like there a family and that we can show that we can have a good time and get to know each other...
8. Anybody that would need help if you are able to please keep it in advice that if you are not doing quests and not doing a dungeon to try and make yourself open to help each other out and try to help them level up easier and make them know that they are an important group in this guild and show them that they are worthy of being in the great place that we can honestly grow in so many ways...
9. Please have respect for all the Captains that are in the Guild and the fact that they have to do there jobs of an Officer in this Guild while I am not always on... It is hard for me to be on all the time like I used to for I am taking care of my family and when I am not on they are the 2nd in command in this field to make sure that it runs smoothly...
10. If there is an issue with anybody I would like you all to come to an Officer or even me if there is something that needs to be resolved... I don't want to lose any members due to the drama that is going on and the fact there is Drama... We are a very low Drama based Guild to the point where we are family... If it get's to bad I have given all the Officers my cell phone number to get a hold of me when it get's out of trouble... If it does get to bad to where I have to come in it will be a disciplinary to where you will be put under a 30 day Probation and will be submitted to the Captain Votes...
11. It has become to my attention that we are growing at a rapid rate and the fact that we have over 100 members on the games we play and the fact that we have several of them making it on the Forum... I would like everybody that makes it this far to say it is nice to see all these new members to the point where we can get them to post on here and get to know them better... We have been real dead when it comes to making this the best spot to hit up when it comes to questions and answers... Please don't feel hesitant when it comes to being a part of this wonderful guild...
More of the rules will follow as the time goes by, but until it does please have respect...